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Accurate diagnosis and treatment can improve quality of life. 

At Baycrest, with our special focus on aging and brain health, we treat a range of conditions that impact the brain’s ability to function at its best – including physical problems, anxiety, depression, cognitive issues, and Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.

The Outpatient Mental Health Program for adults aged 65 and older offers: outpatient services at Baycrest; outreach services in clients’ homes; and, a Telepsychiatry video-conferencing service to assist older adults residing outside of the Greater Toronto Area.

Our experienced team of psychiatrists, nurses, occupational therapists and social workers provides assessment and holistic, time-limited treatment along with support, counselling and education for clients and their families.

Information for Physicians & Nurse Practitioners

If you have a patient 65 or older who is experiencing a mental health issue such as depression, anxiety, behaviour or personality changes, confusion or significant caregiver stress, you can refer him/her to the Outpatient Mental Health Program.

How to Make a Referral

  1. Download Referral Form here  
  2. Fax completed referral forms to 647-788-2199 or email to [email protected]
Once we receive a completed referral form, we will determine the service that best meets your patient’s needs and contact him/her to make an appointment. The majority of our services are covered by OHIP.