Well Wishes
Please submit this form to send best wishes for our residents, patients and staff at Baycrest.
Greetings, artwork, prayers, letters, poetry and all other forms of messages that bring positive sentiments for our Baycrest community are welcomed. Messages will be publicly shared for all to appreciate.
By entering my name below, I consent to Baycrest using my material for public viewing in a brochure, internet web page, social media, news story, broadcast or other forms of media. I understand that once my material has been published or circulated to the public in any manner or via any media, Baycrest cannot retrieve or delete my statements/video footage/photographs. Baycrest may choose to only use part of my material or modify my material so it displays optimally.
If you require assistance with the form or have any questions, [email protected].
If you wish to recognize one of your Baycrest heroes while supporting programs and services that add to quality of life for patients and residents, please visit Gift of Thanks.
A Sampling of Submissions
Thank you to all those who have submitted well wishes thus far to our residents, clients, and staff. We are very grateful for your kindness and support.
Here is a montage of notes of thanks for our frontline workers: