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If you cannot find the information that you seek on our website or by requesting the information informally, you can make a freedom of information request by submitting an Access/Correction Request Form or by writing a letter to Baycrest’s Freedom of Information co-ordinator.

Your request must include:

  • A $5 cheque or money order payable to Baycrest
  • Enough information to allow an experienced staff member to locate the records. Be as a specific as possible when you are describing the information that you would like to access. If you are completing an access request form and require more space, continue your description on a separate sheet of paper
  • Remember to include your authorization form if you are requesting personal information on behalf of another individual

Please mail all access requests to the following address:

Freedom of Information co-ordinator
eHealth, Baycrest 
3560 Baycrest Avenue
Toronto, Ontario   M6A 2E1

If your request is vague or very broad, the FOI co-ordinator will contact you for clarification. When writing your request, try to provide a specific description of the information you require and if possible, note the dates or time frame of the requested records. A clearly defined request with a narrow scope will assist Baycrest to search, locate and retrieve the record so we can respond promptly.

We will make every reasonable effort to respond to your request within 30 calendar days from the date the Baycrest receives your request. However, there may be specific circumstances set out in regulation where Baycrest is permitted to extend the time limit beyond the 30 days. The FOI co-ordinator will contact you if additional fees are required to administer a complicated or large request. The FOI co-ordinator will also notify you in writing whether your requested records will be released in full, only partially disclosed or completely withheld. For more information on how information is disclosed, please see Disclosure of Information.

Complete Access/Correction Request Form

If you have any questions or require assistance in making a request, contact the Privacy Office at 416-785-2500 ext. 6300, or by email at [email protected].

If you are not satisfied with Baycrest’s response to your freedom of information request, you have 30 days from the date of our letter to request a review by the Ontario Information and Privacy Commissioner:

Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario 
2 Bloor Street East, Suite 1400 
Toronto, Ontario 
M4W 1A8


Application Fee:

 $5  to be paid when you submit your request


 $0.20 per page


 $10 per disc

Record preparation:

 $7.50 per 15 minutes spent by any person

If, after processing your request, Baycrest determines that you will be granted access to the requested records, we will mail a notice of our decision and a detailed breakdown of all applicable fees. After receiving your payment, Baycrest will then disclose all releasable records.

If your fees total over $100, Baycrest may require that you pay a deposit equal to 50 per cent of the estimate before taking any further steps to respond to your request.