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Baycrest offers clinical observership for fully trained health professionals with a registration/license to practice from Canada or abroad. Observership is also available for students who want to gain and transfer knowledge within a particular clinical specialty and have received a commitment from our health professional to be their supervisor. Under certain circumstances, they are permitted to observe clinical activities at Baycrest while in the presence of the supervising (hosting) member of the active health professional staff. As passive observers, they are not permitted to engage in patient care of any kind.

Other types of observers:

  • Non-Clinical Observers – Those which do not involve exposure to patients and/or patient information (e.g. observership in non-clinical areas – engineering, public relations, etc.). To secure a supervisor, contact [email protected] or call 416-785-2500 ext. 2518.

  • How to Request a Supervisor
    It is the observer's responsibility to connect with a staff member in their program of interest and then proceed with the application process. If you would like to pursue an observership at Baycrest but do not have a supervisor, please send a brief description of your learning objectives and an updated Curriculum Vitae to [email protected].

    For health discipline contact: Primary Supervisor contact list

    We will do our best to help facilitate a potential connection for you. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that a connection will be made.​

    To contact the Student Coordinator, please email [email protected].
  • How to Apply
    You must begin the application process at least 90 days prior to the requested date of your observership. The maximum length of an observership or authorized guest is 6 weeks.

    PLEASE NOTE: There is a non-refundable fee for Observerships for international students or guest. Contact [email protected] for fee info.

    The registration fee is waived for students currently enrolled in affiliated educational institutions; proof of registration is required with the application submission.  

    If you have questions, please contact [email protected].

    Step 1
    All observers are responsible for securing a primary supervisor for the observership period.
    Primary Supervisor contact list

    Step 2
    Complete and sign the Observership Application.  If you are a student enrolled in an affiliated educational institution the fee may be waived. Proof of enrollment is required for verification by the Observership Coordinator. The application must be supported by the following additional information:
    • A copy of Photo Identification confirming the identity of the applicant;
    • Proof of licensure or equivalent in country of origin or home jurisdiction (i.e. provincial license, national credential, etc.)
    • Proof of health insurance to cover the observership period (Canadian clinicians may use their provincial health card for this purpose);
    • Learning objectives for the observership

    Step 3
    Complete and sign a Confidentiality Agreement

    Step 4
    Complete the Health and Safety Clearance

    • Proof of immunization status (e.g., 2 step TB test and Influenza vaccination required, Hepatitis B & C recommended);

    Step 5
    Include a copy of your current Curriculum Vitae and a photo.

    Step 6
    Submit all of the above documentation in one email to [email protected].

    Once all documents are received, the Student Coordinator will approve or decline the application. If the application is approved, you will be sent an Approval Memo by email that will outline the terms and conditions of your Observership and the next steps of your observership.

  • Observerships/Authorized Guests FAQ
    1. What is the difference between an Elective Student and an Observer/ Guest?
    An elective student must be registered at the University of Toronto and is on clinical rotation at Baycrest.
    An observer/guest is a non-Baycrest member, student or trainee applying for a shadowing experience at Baycrest. Observers do not have patient interaction; have no access to the hospital operating system and no unsupervised access to patient information.

    2. Where do I process the payment?
    Non-refundable application payment is processed through the online application. The information will be sent to observer by the student placement coordinator to complete payment.

    3. What is the likelihood that I will be connected to a Supervisor if I do not currently have one?
    There is no guarantee that a connection with a Supervisor will be made. Coordinators will help to facilitate a connection where possible. It is the Candidate’s responsibility to make a connection with a Supervisor.

    4. Is there any assistance in finding housing accommodations during my Observership?
    It is the responsibility of the Observer/ Guest to coordinate housing accommodations prior to their visit.

    5. Will Baycrest provide assistance with visiting Visa requirements?

    6. Will I receive a letter of recommendation or have an evaluation upon completion of my Observership?
    No. It is the Supervisor’s decision to prepare an evaluation or letter of recommendation.

    7. Will I receive a Certificate upon completion of my Observership?
    Yes. Only if requested.

    ​8. What is an Affiliated Educational Institution?
    An Affiliation Agreement is a formal agreement between Baycrest and an Academic Institution to allow students from the institution to come to Baycrest for Academic placement (clinical and non-clinical placement). If an Observer/ Guest is currently enrolled in an academic institution with whom Baycrest has a signed Affiliation Agreement, they will be exempt from paying Observership/ Guest fee.